There’s a blinding white light and a slight ringing sound.  As the light dims we can see that we are in an extreme close-up of a familiar-looking hazel eye.  Its iris focuses against the fading white light, and we zoom out until we can see that it’s T’Pol, and she’s surrounded by Trip, Reed, and Hoshi.  The humans look around at their surroundings in confusion, and T’Pol tries to get a bearing on their new situation.  As the bright light finally completely fades away we can see that they are further surrounded by several ranking Tellarites and Andorians, who are as off guard as our crew.

Admiral Krav and Commander Shran turn to see each other.  Both draw their sidearms, and their people follow suit as they utter curses of surprise at each other in their native languages.


            (in Andorian)

[Murderous Pigs!]


[Drop your weapons and surrender or I’ll kill you where you stand!]

Our crew turns to see what all the commotion is about, but except for T’Pol and Hoshi, the others have no idea what’s going on beyond shouting and weapons being brandished by both sides.  Reed draws his own sidearm, and keeps it at the ready, but doesn’t point it at anyone.


            (in Tellarite)

[I think not, Comrade Commander.]


            (in Tellarite)

[There are more of us than there are of you; you can’t possibly hope to kill us all.]

Shran narrows his eyes and stares right at Admiral Krav.


[All that matters is that your Admiral here is the first to die.]

Admiral Krav swallows hard but otherwise shows no weakness or intimidation.


[If that’s the way it has to be, at least you’ll die with me.]


            (interrupting, in Vulcan)

[Gentlemen, there is no need for further bloodshed.]

Shran rolls his eyes but the Tellarites cut T’Pol a condescending look.


[Silence woman!  You have no place here.]


            (interrupting, urgently)

What the hell is going on?  I was just in Engineering…


            (ignoring Trip)

[Condescending to me will not resolve this situation, nor will firing upon one another.]


[There’s no point in trying to talk to them, Vulcan, my own people tried that already a long time ago.]

            (beat, looking at Admiral Krav)

[There’s no reasoning with people who think of nothing but capital gain, even at the cost of their own comrades’ lives.]


[You shouldn’t talk, murderer.]

            (beat, off Shran’s condescending look)

[You interfered in an affair that had nothing to do with you and murdered my men!]



[Only after you murdered the hundreds of people stationed at our outpost!]


[That outpost is ours!  We found it first!]


[It’s in our space!]

A voice startles all of them; even T’Pol can’t help but jump a little bit.  It sounds alien and familiar at the same time, a perfect mingling of the Machine’s voice and Archer’s voice.


This planet belongs to no one.  The people who inhabited it died fighting over this world and others, the same way your people are fighting now.  It stops as of this moment.

Though we hear the voice in English, it’s obvious that even the Andorians, who don’t speak or understand that language can somehow understand what was said, as if they heard Archer speak in their own language.  Everyone is silent for a moment as they digest what was said, T’Pol cocking an eyebrow at the odd mixture of the Machine’s voice with Archer’s.



Cap’n, is that you?


Yes, it’s me Trip …and more.

            (beat, off Trip’s worried expression)

Don’t worry, Trip, Jacob managed to lock down the radiation leak without you; the ship is fine.

Trip takes the opportunity to take off his helmet.



Doesn’t make me feel any better…


[As pleased as I am that your little ship has escaped destruction, I have a few of my own to worry about.]



I’m afraid that I lost one; it was too heavily damaged.


The others are fine, for now.



[And just what does that mean?]



It means that because I’ve disabled all your weapons, you won’t be able to kill each other.

Admiral Krav tries to fire his weapon at Shran, but it is indeed disabled.  Shran, taken by surprise and infuriated at the attempt on his life tries to fire his own weapon at Admiral Krav, but also fails.  The rest of the Tellarites and Andorians check their weapons and try to fire at each other, but all fail.


[More than one way to skin a pig…]

Holstering his sidearm, Shran deftly pulls out his knife and slices the air threateningly at Admiral Krav.  The other Andorians follow suit, brandishing their knives that the Tellarites, who continue to hold out their useless weapons in front of them.  Reed brings his sidearm to bear on Shran.


Hold on, there’re be none of that!


[Commander Shran-]

Suddenly, the Andorians’ knives disappear in a silent flash of light, leaving them to stare at their empty hands in confusion and stunned disbelief.



You just don’t seem to get it, do you?


I just brought you and your ships light-years across space with a thought; if I wanted I could kill you, and every single one of your people by simply thinking it!



[You dare threaten my people!]


If it will get your attention, you’re damned right I dare.


Captain, I do not believe this is an appropriate avenue of discussion.


Have you been successful in ending this situation, Sub-Commander?

            (beat, on T’Pol’s silence)

I didn’t think so.


I brought all of you here for a reason, and arguing over the bones of a dead civilization isn’t one of them.


            (muttering sarcastically)

Guess I’m here to translate…

Both Reed and Trip give her a look that tells her she should keep quiet, and she nervously clams up.

We change angles to focus on Shran.


[But they have killed my comrades in a futile effort to control this world!]


And you have killed theirs in a futile effort to learn the secrets of this place for yourselves.


Where does it end?


[When they learn to keep to their side of the border.]

            (beat, confidently)

[Possession of the weapon will ensure that.]


You have both pushed at each other’s borders; in a war that has lasted at least as long as you can remember.  But how will the death of every man, woman, and child on Tellar vindicate you?

            (beat, on Shran’s silence)

It won’t, no matter how you would justify it, just as those who created this weapon tried to justify the genocides that they caused.  In the end, they only caused their own destruction … just as you would ultimately do.


“He who does not heed history, is destined to repeat it.”  I can’t remember who said that, but it rings true now more than ever.


[We’re here because of history.  The history of the death and destruction caused by the Tellarites.]



[What about the deaths of my people?]


[They got everything they deserved for their trespass into our space.]


So you continue to kill each other, without thought or want of any kind of resolution, except the complete destruction of your enemy.


My own world was nearly destroyed that way, when nations refused to simply let the death and destruction end.  Each wanted the other to pay for the wrongs that they felt the other had inflicted on them.  Will it take the near extermination of your people to turn you around too?  Or would you rather suffer the fate of the people who built this place before the hatred ends?



[Even if I could just somehow forgive the Tellarites for what they’ve done, there’s no way I could convince every single member of my people to do that, and I definitely can’t speak for my government!]


[Nor can I speak for mine.]


[But I find it highly unlikely they would make any peace overtures unless they knew they would be reciprocated.]

Shran harrumphs.


It has to start somewhere, Commander.  But someone has to be brave enough to take those first steps.

            (beat, off Shran’s continued doubt)

Do you have the courage, Commander Shran?  Or would you leave that to a Tellarite?

Shran is insulted, but he manages to hold back an outburst.  He waits a moment to compose himself.


[It’s not a matter of bravery.]


Isn’t it?  It takes a lot of guts to offer peace and forgiveness when you don’t know if you’ll just be killed for your trouble.



[True enough.]



[I doubt I’ll live to see the day an Andorian offers me anything more than the business end of a weapon.]



You just never know.


In the meantime, I’d suggest a trial separation.  You all have a lot to think about.

Before any of them can protest, they vanish in a silent flash of light that consumes them from the feet up.  A moment later there is a moan of building energy.  T’Pol pulls her portable scanner out of her holster and activates it, searching for the source of the energy.  Reed holsters his sidearm and looks around in confusion, exchanging a glance with Hoshi, but Trip notices T’Pol homing in on the direction of an open doorway that can just be made out in the distance.  Without thinking, Trip invades her personal space to look over her shoulder at the screen of her scanner.


Getting something?


            (raising an eyebrow)



Follow me.

T’Pol confidently walks toward the entrance to the distant passageway, even as the sound of energy falls off and fades to silence.  Reed and Hoshi exchange a puzzled look as Trip watches the Vulcan for a moment; without comment, all three quickly follow after her.


Everyone, police and revolutionaries alike, stand in stunned silence, gawking at the empty space the Tellarite soldiers had occupied only moments before.



They’re… They’re gone…

That seems to snap everyone out of their temporary shell shock; the police and guardsmen draw down on Titus’s revolutionaries as they seek cover.



Now what?

We change angles to focus on Titus.  It’s obvious that he’s having regrets and thinking that this can only end badly.  Fortunately, an unexpected voice comes from behind the police and guardsmen at the other end of the lobby.


Now….  It ends.

The various police and soldiers are stunned, and we pan as several of them look back to see Governor Franklin.  Governor Franklin is now a broken man, and it shows in his features as he slowly walks toward Titus’s position.



What do you mean, Sir?



I mean… I’m ending it, here, now.  This has gone on long enough and cost us enough blood.

It’s now obvious that Governor Franklin is indeed heading for the barricades the revolutionaries are hiding behind, and his people notice.


Governor!  No!

The Police Officer moves to stop Governor Franklin, but is waved off by him.


I know what I’m doing.


Stand down now.  All of you… stand down.

We change angles to focus again on Titus as one of his revolutionaries turns to face him.



Is this for real?


Only one way to find out.

Titus waits and watches as the police and guardsmen lower their weapons.


Governor, I highly recommend against this.


It won’t take long to resolve this now.



No, it won’t.

The guardsman exchanges looks with his colleagues, which is exactly the opportunity Titus was waiting for.  He rushes out from behind his cover and levels his weapon at the Governor.  Several of his followers move to cover him.



What do you want, Governor?  Are you just putting us on while you look for a way to kill us?

Governor Franklin looks like he’s on the verge of tears.  He comes to a stop in front of Titus, but does not put his hands up.  The police and guardsmen bring their weapons back up, but cannot fire because the Governor is in the way.



It was never supposed to come to that.

            (beat, swallows hard)

None of this was supposed to happen.  They were just supposed to let us go.

            (beat, collects himself)

The Tellarites were supposed to be enough to scare them off.



How could you think it’d be as simple as that!?


After all this time, after already putting down a peaceful attempt at independence, you think they’d just walk away and leave us alone!?


I thought the reason it failed before was because it was peaceful; that if they had to face some serious opposition…

Governor Franklin takes a moment to consider Titus, despite the fact he looks ready to kill him at any second.


It was your doing…before…wasn’t it?

Titus nods his head, but the recognition only serves to make him even angrier.


We all wanted the same thing.

Titus swallows hard and starts to look like he might be on the verge of tears, too.  He searches Governor Franklin’s face for understanding.


Earth made a mistake by appointing you as Governor.  You could have used that; we could have used that…

            (beat, becoming angry)

You could have done so much more than this…murder for hire.  We could have pressed Senate harder; we could have done it all peacefully, but instead, you hired mercenaries who slaughtered our fellow human beings.  They’ll never give up now!  Now more will die!

            (beat, heavy with emotion)

But you know what makes me even angrier?  You left me no alternative but to be just. Like. You.

Tears begin to fall down Titus’s cheeks.


I was a man of peace once, but now I’ve become a killer.


I lost a lot of good friends today, and all because you had to…to do what you did.


You betrayed us.  You betrayed every single person on this planet!

Governor Franklin’s expression is unreadable, but he is definitely affected by Titus’s passionate speech.  He falls to his knees, and places the barrel of a surprised Titus’s weapon against his forehead.


Nothing I can do…will ever bring them back.


Nothing I can do…can ever make it the way it was again.


Do…what you think you have to.

Titus quickly composes himself and takes a step back, pulling his weapon free from Governor Franklin’s hands.  He shakes his head at the broken man’s confusion.


No.  I know what I have to do now, and murdering you in cold blood isn’t it.

Titus throws his weapon to the floor with a clatter that makes Governor Franklin jump.


No, don’t!

Titus motions for his supporter to be quiet.  Governor Franklin looks Titus in the eye, his confusion at the other man’s actions plain.


But why?


There’s something else you can give me that’s far more valuable than your life.

            (beat, off Governor Franklin’s confusion)

Your office.  Make me the leader of this colony, so I can give it what it needs to survive now.


Vulcan mediators are on their way now, but they can’t help us unless the official government requests it.



The Vulcans?  I never thought…


I know.


But I have a dialog with one of their ambassadors, and he has agreed to help us, so we can deal with Earth, the right way.  Not with more bloodshed.

Governor Franklin nods his head in understanding.


I suppose I could still do that…

            (beat, sighing)

But I lost any right to represent the people of Alpha Centauri when I lost control of this situation.


So it is, Governor Cheet.

Titus offers Governor Franklin his hand, which he accepts, and helps him to his feet.



Governor, you can’t…

Governor Franklin faces the Guardsman.


I can, and have.  It is done.  This is your leader now.

Anyone who still had their weapon up, lowers it now.  Unlike the cheering one might expect in most movies, everyone remains silent for a BEAT, as if what has just happened hasn’t quite sunken in yet, or they’re just too battle-worn to acknowledge it beyond simply lowering their weapons.


Then, my first act as Governor of Alpha Centauri is to place you under arrest, Dwight Franklin.

No one moves, and Titus begins to worry, but Governor Franklin manages to surprise him once more.  Swallowing hard again, he takes one last look at Titus before he holds out his hands to the nearest police officer.


Didn’t you hear what your governor said?


You take orders from him now.

Everyone seems to hold their breath as the police officer steps forward, reaches behind her back, and pulls a set of restraints out, which she places over former Governor Franklin’s wrists.  The police officer looks at the former Governor for reassurance, which she gets in the form of a nod.  The police officer leads him away, leaving everyone else to stand in stunned silence at what has transpired.


T’Pol leads Trip, Reed, and Hoshi using her portable scanner.  All of them are amazed at what they see, the vastness of the chamber, the sleekness of the computer banks, the mysterious column of light in the distance, but T’Pol makes herself focus on her scanner’s read-out.  They come to the path leading to the center, and Archer.  They spot him immersed in the column of light, and pick up the pace, practically running to get to Archer.







Captain Archer, is that you?

The four of them reach him.  T’Pol proceeds to scan him, but her scanner has difficulty getting a clear reading and her frustration shows for an instant in the form of an irritated sigh and a furrowing of her brow.


That’s an interesting little toy you have there, Sub-Commander.

            (beat, amused)

I bet Trip wouldn’t mind a look at it to see how it works.

T’Pol is unaffected, or at least she doesn’t show the same surprise that everyone else does; it throws them for a bit of a loop that Archer himself looks like he’s simply unconscious and suspended by an invisible field of some kind, despite the fact that he sounds like he’s standing right next to them.


            (not getting the joke)

Commander Tucker will have to wait for authorization from the Vulcan High Command before he examines any Vulcan technology.

Trip is about to retort, but he’s cut off.




We pan to look at Reed, then down to look at the unconscious alien lying on the floor.


Friend of the Captain’s?

Trip and T’Pol exchange glances, and she adjusts her stance to scan the fallen alien man; once again, Trip peeks over her shoulder to examine the display on her scanner.  Hoshi barely seems to notice, focusing all her attention on Archer, looking very worried.


We’ve just met actually.  Seems he’s the one that brought the house down on us earlier.

            (beat, off Reed’s concerned reaction)

Don’t worry, he didn’t mean us any real harm, Major.  He was just…tired…and weary.

            (beat, saddened)

He carries a lot of painful memories, and guilt from something he did millennia ago.  He just didn’t have it in him anymore.


            (off scanner)

He’s near death; multiple organ failure.


Curious.  It is as if his body is rapidly aging.


That’s all well and good, but what about the cap’n?  How do we get him back out of that thing?

Trip looks back at Archer’s suspended form, and sees Hoshi still standing in front of him.


Can you make any sense out of that control panel, Ensign?

Hoshi seems to snap out of a trance, and quickly regains her bearings.  She looks over the strange holographic panel in front of her.



Uhh…  I’ll have to get back to you on that, Commander.

T’Pol stands next to Hoshi and brings her scanner to bear on the alien interface, but again doesn’t have much luck.


To be honest, I hadn’t really thought about getting out after I was done.


I just …knew somehow …what I had to do and exactly how I could do it.


Are you suggesting that the alien might have influenced you somehow, Captain?


Now that I think about it, he probably did.


He was highly telepathic, and our minds were linked somehow.  He knew everything I knew, and I think he let me know exactly what I needed to know about him.  And now this machine seems to be giving me the information I need, like everything I knew about the Tellarites and the Andorians.


            (off scanner)

Removing the Captain may be unwise; his body appears to have developed a dependence on the machine.


What kind of dependence?


The machine is linked to him through technology far more advanced than anything I have seen before now.

            (beat, off Trip’s reaction)

Any attempt to remove him may cause him to undergo the same reaction its previous occupant is suffering from.


Wait a minute.  So you’re sayin’ if we take him out, we’ll kill him?


That is highly probable, yes.



How highly probable?

T’Pol arches her eyebrow as she does some mental calculations.  To one side, Reed frowns briefly at the two of them, clearly not liking the image of two senior officers openly arguing in front of a junior officer like Hoshi.


Approximately three billion, three-hundred seventy-three million, nine-

Trip motions animatedly at her to stop, which she does with a look of mild bemusement.


Doesn’t matter what the odds are; we still have to get him out of there.


Would you risk the captain’s life in a foolhardy attempt to remove him from this device?  A device we know nothing about.


            (annoyed, insulted)

There wouldn’t be anything foolhardy about it; we’d contact Earth and have them send a full science team if we have to.  Either way, we have to get him out of there; we can’t just leave him here!



Reacting impulsively to a hazardous situation on a previous occasion endangered your life, my life, and the success of this mission.



Hey!  You’re the one that caused that little mishap, and that has nothin’ to do with this!



Would the two of you knock it off?  You’re arguing like an old married couple, about me, and my life no less, like I’m not even here.

Trip gets very flustered at the mention of “old married couple” even as T’Pol frowns at the reference.  Reed looks on with mild amusement; a complete turnaround from the disapproving look he was giving the two arguing officers just moments ago.


Sorry, Cap’n, I’m just worried about you.

            (beat, calming)

For a while there, I thought you were dead, that we’d lost you.  Finding you alive only to have to leave you here again…it’d be like having it happen all over again.


I understand, Trip, but I might be stuck here after all.

            (beat, off Trip’s concern)

While the two of you were…discussing your differences…I tried to sever the link on my own, but as you might guess by my still talking to you like this…



You’re stuck.



Trip glares at the machine around his friend, struggling to find the words.


It’s not that bad Trip.  Even though this thing was built for an entirely different purpose…

            (beat, awestruck)

I can look out among the stars in a way I never dreamed was possible.  It’s like…  It’s like actually being out there… No ship, no bulky suit, like you’re actually walking in the heavens.

Trip searches his old friend’s unconscious face with wet eyes, looking in false hope that he might simply come to life at any moment.  We can tell that he’s hoping what Archer says is true.  T’Pol watches and listens to their interaction with interest and a complete lack of expression.


I guess that doesn’t sound so bad…


Get my ship home, Trip, and patch her back up.  Then send that science team back here and see what they can do for me.

Trip forces himself to smile.  It’s a pretty pathetic smile.



You mean my ship.


If they can’t get me out of this thing, then yes, your ship.

Trip’s face falls at the implication, and the gravity of everything that’s happening.


Look, I’m not dead yet, and if the age of the previous occupant is any indication, I might actually outlive all of you.


It’s not exactly how I was planning on spending the rest of my life, but-

We can hear Archer gasp in pain over the comm. just before it cuts out.  At the same time, his body cringes from the pain.




            (beat, to T’Pol)

What’s happenin’ to him!?

T’Pol quickly scans him, and looks up at Trip with apprehension.


His body is being rejected.

Before he can ask for specifics, Trip jumps slightly as the alien’s hand suddenly grabs him by the ankle.  Reed turns to face him, his hand on the butt of his sidearm.



His task is complete.


What do you mean?

The alien fights to maintain consciousness.


He did…what I could not.  And now that he has done it, the failsafe has activated.


He will heal, but I need to be put back in.

The alien’s eyes roll back as he lapses out of consciousness again.

We change angles to watch as Archer falls heavily to the floor, physically and mentally drained.  Trip and Reed bodily haul Archer out of the interface.  They briefly look him over before turning to ask T’Pol for the service of her scanner, and are surprised to see her carrying the alien into the column of light.



Are you sure you should be doing that, Sub-Commander?


Yes.  I see no reason why we should not do as he asked.


How about the cap’n layin’ here dyin’?


I will check him momentarily, but first-

Hoshi reaches out and adjusts the holographic controls.




I can’t explain it, I just…know.  This is what I’m meant to do.

Power builds within the machine again, and the alien is lifted from T’Pol’s grasp as he is once again suspended within the column of light.


Thank you, for everything.

Before anyone can act, they are engulfed in flashes of light and disappear.  The machine hums as it builds up more energy, growing louder, and louder, building up more energy than we’ve ever heard it do before.


We watch from a position in orbit of the long-dead world.  In the distance, we can see its white sun flash with an intensity so bright, it momentarily blinds us.  When the light fades, we can see a massive shockwave approaching us at fantastic speed.  The screen goes white.


From a screen of pure white, we gradually refocus, revealing the white ceiling of sickbay.  We watch from Archer’s POV as he slowly opens his eyes, coming to focus on the face of Dr. Lucas.  We cut to another angle and see Archer jump slightly as he comes to.  Lucas rolls his eyes.



Nice to see you too…

The commotion draws Dr. Phlox’s attention from the computer terminal he was working on.


Ah!  I see our patient has finally rejoined us.

Phlox smiles at Lucas and Archer, but Lucas gives him one of his soon to be trademark “don’t care” looks.  Phlox doesn’t seem to notice though, and moves to Archer’s bedside to give him his full attention.  He runs a medical scanner over Archer as he speaks.


            (to Lucas)

Perhaps we should let Commander Tucker and Sub-Commander T’Pol know that Captain Archer has regained consciousness?

Lucas harrumphs.


Already on it.

He activates the comm. panel.


Commander Tucker and Sub-Commander T’Pol to sickbay please; the Captain is awake now.

Without waiting for an answer, Lucas quickly switches off the comm. and finds something to keep himself busy with.


            (still running the scanner)

So… How are you feeling Captain?

Archer cringes as he attempts to prop himself up on his arms, suffering from a massive headache.


Imagine the worst hangover you’ve ever had…and double it.

Archer settles back down on his back and waits for Phlox to finish his scan.


I can’t say that I’ve ever suffered from that particular condition, Captain, but I’ll take your word for it.

Phlox smiles and Archer cuts him a look.



Lucky you.

We change angles to see Trip and T’Pol coming up to the doors.  Initially, they try to enter at the same time, but after giving her a sarcastic look, Trip takes a step back and motions for her to go first, which she does, without so much as unclasping her hands from behind her back.



Nice to see you again, Sub-Commander…


It is… agreeable to see that you’ve regained consciousness, Captain.

Archer looks from T’Pol to Trip.  He frowns briefly at how exhausted Trip looks; it’s clear the Chief Engineer has been conducting repairs 24-7 for some time now.  From the stubble on Trip’s face, Archer is able to determine that he’s been unconscious for at least a couple of days.


How’s my ship?


My ship has definitely seen better days, Cap’n.

            (beat, downtrodden)

She’s been worked over pretty bad.

Archer gives him a smile.


I’m sure you’ll have her back in top form in no time, Trip.


I’ll do what I can, but I can’t make any promises.  But enough about Enterprise…

            (to Phlox)

How’s he doin’ Doc?


He’s actually recovering much more quickly than I’d originally anticipated.  A few more days' rest and he should be fit for duty again.

Archer’s eyes widen.




Your nervous system and cerebral cortex have been put under enormous strain, Captain.  It’s really quite astounding that you’re recovering as well as you have been; I would have thought there’d be permanent damage.


No doubt caused by his connection to the alien device.



Yes, there was something at work there like nothing I’ve ever seen before.

T’Pol nonverbally asks Phlox for his scanner, which he gives her.  She looks it over briefly.


Fascinating.  This warrants further study.

T’Pol starts to reach for the controls on the readout behind Archer’s bed, then hesitates and withdraws her hand.  She looks at Archer.


With your permission, Captain?

Archer looks very uncomfortable at the thought of T’Pol studying him.


Uh… Maybe some other time.

T’Pol clasps her hands behind her back again, no hint of disappointment in her stance or features.


As you wish, Captain.

An uncomfortable silence follows for a BEAT.


Well, it’s good to see that you’re doing better now, Cap’n, but I should probably get back to work; we have quite a mess to clean up.


Find some time to get some sleep, Trip.  You look like hell.

            (beat, off Trip’s outraged expression)

And find some time to write me a report; I want to know exactly what happened in my absence.



You’ll be in for a helluva read…

Archer looks at Phlox briefly and smiles.


I seem to have time.


I will write a report for you as well, Captain.

Archer blinks, not having considered that.




What’s our status right now?


We were …"moved" one light-year away from the system, immediately prior to its sun going nova.

Archer’s face goes slack with the news.


You mean, the planet was destroyed?


Along with everything else in that system.

On Archer’s disappointed face we…



Continue to Act Five









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