Picard continues to point his plasma pistol at the unrelenting Andorian Farrier.  They stare at each other, both ready to pull their weapons’ triggers.  T’Pol stands and faces down the new intruders, but even as she picks out what looks like their leader, she is able to divide enough of her attention to deal with Picard’s situation.


Stand down, Lieutenant.

Picard never takes his eyes off of the Farrier.


So he can shoot me?

            (sneers, heavily sarcastic)

Not likely, Ma’am.


Vulcan has a cease-fire agreement with the Andorians, but if you fire on them that agreement will be forfeit.

There is a LONG BEAT, the tension running high, as neither side seems to want to back down.  Finally, Picard relents, slowly re-holstering his sidearm and putting his hands up.  The Farrier doesn’t seem satisfied though.


                        (sternly, in Andorian)

[Surrender your weapon.]

            (beat, more urgency)

[Surrender your weapon!]


I hope you know what you’re doing, Sub-Commander.


I believe he wants your weapon, Lieutenant.

Picard narrows his eyes.



He can have my weapon when he pries it from my cold dead fingers.

COMMANDER THY’LEK SHRAN watches the developing situation with a mixture of concern and interest.  He’s also more than a little confused at the appearance of what look a lot like Vulcans, with what is definitely a Vulcan in command.


            (to Shran, in Vulcan)

 [Tell your man to stand down.]

            (beat, raising eyebrow)

 [Unless you wish to violate the terms of our treaty.]

Shran considers the female Vulcan for a moment, then looks over at his Farrier.


            (in Andorian)

[Stand down....]


 […But keep an eye on him.]


 [As you command, Comrade Commander.]

The Farrier lowers his rifle, but glares at Picard.  The two of them keep their eyes locked on each other, each waiting for the other to make a sudden move.  Satisfied, Shran turns his attention back to T’Pol.  He swiftly makes his way past Hoshi and a crewman at Science, until he is standing face-to-face with T’Pol, speaking as he does so.  Hoshi, though very much afraid, watches with interest; we can tell that she is concentrating very hard as they speak.



 [What is a Vulcan officer doing in command of this alien vessel, and what business does it have in Andorian space?]


 [We were attempting to contact the colony below when we found it destroyed.]

Shran eyes T’Pol incredulously.


[A likely story, but I find it more likely that you destroyed the outpost yourself.]

Insulted, T’Pol narrows her eyes at Shran; there is no other hint to her mood.


 [That is illogical, Commander.  What could possibly be served by the destruction of your outpost?]

Shran eyes T’Pol again, not sure what to make of her or this strange ship.


 [If you commanded a Vulcan vessel, I might be more willing to believe you.]


[Instead, I find an unknown vessel orbiting the ruins of one of our most strategic outposts, a vessel that just happens to have the same hull composition as that of the Tellarites’ newfound allies, with a Vulcan officer commanding it.]


 [A little strange, wouldn’t you agree?]


[Scan this vessel’s weapon systems; you will find that they could not have caused the destruction on the planet.]

Shran nods his head and pulls out a communicator.  We change angles to Hoshi’s position and focus on Shran and T’Pol.  There are no subtitles as Hoshi concentrates on them as they speak in their native tongues.


            (into communicator)

Nimax is xetran vessel.  Check isk rettashektra codorp lew pish weapons.  Check pish rewop pargot as well.


Da, Shalreth Konnare.

A BEAT as Shran and T’Pol continue to eye each other.



Isk mocjtou eb negative Konnare; pish weapons did not destroy isk base.

T’Pol gives Shran an “I told you so” look, but Shran doesn’t look like he entirely buys it.


Destan umlnae explain iin napmok.

            (beat, suspiciously)

Ii still could be allied with the Tellarites somehow.


I can assure you that we are not allied with the Tellarites in any way.

            (beat, with a sardonic expression)

In fact, as your scans have already told you, much of the damage this vessel has suffered was caused by Tellarite weapons.


So the Tellarites are involved.


Yes, as an enemy of Earth.




We focus on Shran and T’Pol as they are surprised by a small voice coming from behind them.


My home. World.

Shran and T’Pol both turn to face Hoshi.  Everyone else on the Bridge seems equally confused and surprised by Hoshi speaking.  We can tell that Hoshi is concentrating a great deal as she speaks.


The Tellarites helping one of Earth’s colonies.


Attacked us.  Thought we could get you help.


            (genuinely impressed)

Amazing.  You were able to learn my language from listening to us just now?

Picard, not understanding a word of what’s been spoken, finally takes his eyes off of the Farrier to look at Hoshi questioningly.



You can actually understand them?


            (ignoring Picard)



Sub-Commander T’Pol speaking Vulcan help.  Can understand some.


Can understand Vulcan you?


I understand it, but can’t speak more than a few words of it.  The pronunciation is a bit tricky.

Hoshi smiles and nods her head in agreement.



Shran allows himself a small smile before quickly stopping himself.  He feels as though this is distracting him and as interesting as it is, it has to wait, and he strengthens his resolve.  He turns his attention back to T’Pol, who studies Hoshi a brief moment longer with no hint of the thoughts behind her Vulcan mask.


Convinced as I might be that you aren’t directly responsible, I cannot simply let you go without some evidence that I can submit to my superiors.

            (beat, thinking)

Did you conduct any scans that might reveal who the attacker was?


Orbital scans revealed nothing conclusive.  It is possible that the landing party’s scans were more successful in isolating the weapons signature.

Shran’s eyes widen in surprise and rage.



You sent down a landing party!?  On Andorian soil!?

            (beat, seething)

I could understand these aliens making that mistake, but a Vulcan should know better!

T’Pol raises an eyebrow.


Their commanding officer thought that finding the attacker could serve as a gesture of good will between your peoples.

Shran reconsiders the situation.



You’re not this vessel’s commander?


No.  I am the ship’s first officer under an exchange program; Captain Archer commands this vessel.

Shran mulls over this new information for a moment before coming to a decision.


My superiors will not like the idea of aliens on Andorian soil, but if this Captain Archer has found something, I will listen to it.


Consider yourselves …guests of the People’s Army.  We will escort you back to the outpost.  Deviate, and I will have no choice but to treat you as hostile.


Understood, Commander.

Shran takes a step back from T’Pol and activates his communicator.


We are finished; transport boarding party back.

A hum fills the room and the Andorians seem to disappear into columns of blinding blue light, as mysteriously as they appeared.  Everyone on the bridge seems too shocked to do much of anything, including Picard.  It’s obvious that only Hoshi had any idea of what had been said, and even she doesn’t know what to make of their situation.  It takes T’Pol’s calm voice to bring them around.


Lieutenant Picard, take all weapons off-line.

            (beat, raises eyebrow)

But keep hull armor active.

Picard still doesn’t much like the idea of taking orders from this Vulcan, but he doesn’t feel like he has much of a choice after what he’s witnessed.



Yes, Ma’am.

Picard works his console to do as he’s been told.  Satisfied, T’Pol sits back down in the command chair, bringing up a sensor readout on her console as she does so.


Helm, come about and bring the ship into formation behind the lead ship.


The Enterprise’s thrusters fire, spinning her around to face the opposite direction.  Two of the Andorian ships start to move off, the third following behind Enterprise as she falls into formation.


Reed, Travis, Phlox, Cole, and the Sergeant come to a dead-end in the tunnel.  Reed huffs in frustration and anger.


Can we just set some explosives and blast our way through?

Travis gives him a critical look before answering.


It’s not a cave-in or a false wall if that’s what you’re thinking.

            (beat, off scanner)

It’s more like…whoever tunneled this out, just…stopped.



So any explosions would likely collapse this tunnel around us.

            (beat, a little frustrated)

Is there any other way down?

Travis looks up from his scanner and shakes his head in disappointment.


            (under his breath)


            (beat, louder)

Fine; we’ve spent enough time chasing after phantoms.  Let’s head back to the cavern and see how the others are doing.

Resigned, the five of them turn around and head back down the tunnel the way they came.


Cutler and a few others from the landing party are hard at work tying ropes together and getting rappelling gear ready when Reed’s team enters the small cavern they lost Archer in.


How’s it coming, Ensign?


Not well, Major.

Reed can see the frustration on Cutler’s face and decides to let her explain on her own terms.  Cutler motions around to emphasize as she speaks.



We tried scanning to see how much rope we’d need, but we can’t read the bottom.


Then, just in case there was some kind of dampening field in place, we tried throwing some small rocks down there, so we could time how long it took to fall.

            (beat, collecting herself)

We never heard any of them hit the bottom.  So we’re just connecting all the ropes together and hoping we can reach the bottom with them.

Reed places a comforting hand on Cutler’s shoulder.


We’ve done all we can for now.


We’ll come back, but we need to go back to the ship first and get more equipment.

            (beat, off Cutler’s concerned expression)

What did the ship say while you were getting this gear?


We weren’t able to contact the ship, Major; it was almost like we were being jammed.


I tried contacting you at first, but there was too much interference.

Reed’s features grow dark with concern.


Where are the others?


Back on the surface, still trying to contact the ship.

A single, horrifying thought gnaws at the back of Reed’s mind, and his face goes pale as he realizes the great danger they may all be in.


We need to get back to the surface, now.

Cutler and the others start to gather up the gear lying around.



No!  There’s no time for that!


We need to get back to the surface right now!

Urged on by Reed’s concern, they leave their gear behind and make their way back into the narrow tunnel.


Reed and his enlarged team exit the ancient skyscraper and run toward the remaining shuttlepods in the distance.  Reed activates his communicator as he runs.


Major Reed to shuttlepods!


What is it, Major?  Did you find the captain?


No time to explain!  Just stop transmitting calls for Enterprise and start up the shuttlepods!


We need to get to cover, fast!


The Enterprise re-enters orbit of the Andorian outpost world under escort.


The entire crew, save T’Pol, is on edge as they approach the familiar planet.


Hail the lead Andorian ship and request permission to recall our landing party.

Hoshi looks a little worried; her grasp of Andorian isn’t very strong yet, so the pressure is on now for her to perform her job.



Aye, Sub-Commander.

Hoshi works her panel and speaks in inaudible Andorian into her comm. panel as we change our focus to T’Pol.


Lieutenant Picard, what is the current status of the Andorian vessels?

Picard checks his panel and brings up a display on one of his monitors.


            (off display)

The ships off our port and starboard bow have powered down weapons.

            (beat, checking display again)

But the one that’s taken up position behind us still has weapons locked on us.

T’Pol considers this new information, though she knows there isn’t much she can do about their situation at the moment.


Thank you, Lieutenant.  Please keep me apprised of any change in their condition.

Picard never takes his eyes off of his monitor.



Yes, Ma’am.

Hoshi turns and faces T’Pol.


The Andorians have granted us permission to recall the team from the surface…and have requested permission to dock and come aboard.

Picard turns and faces T’Pol himself.



So… they’re asking permission now…

T’Pol isn’t quite sure what to make of Picard’s tone.


Do you object to them coming aboard at this time?


I don’t see that we have much choice.


Let’s just say that given the method they boarded us before, I’m surprised they’re asking to dock with us, or even that they’re asking at all.


I suspect Commander Shran feels that he’s giving us a courtesy, and that his request is in fact an order.



Is that supposed to make me feel any better about it?


No.  It does, however, present you with the opportunity to keep a closer eye on them as they come aboard this time.


You may bring as many security personnel as you feel is necessary, but in order to keep this situation from escalating again, I suggest no more than two, with holstered weapons.


I’ll settle for no less than three, myself included.


Three is adequate; have them meet us at the portside airlock.

Picard hesitates, giving T'Pol a measuring look that she returns without blinking.  Grimly, he nods his head, realizing that she planned on him trying to one-up her and apparently wanted three personnel to begin with.  Frowning, he triggers the comm. button to call his people as T’Pol turns her attention back to Hoshi.


Inform the Andorians that they have permission to dock on our port side.


Aye, Sub-Commander.

Hoshi goes back to her panel as T’Pol and Picard both rise and make their way to the turbolift.


Reed, Cole, Phlox, the Sergeant, and two enlisted UESPA crewman sit in the back of the shuttlepod, with Travis sitting up front in the pilot’s seat.  We can see overhanging debris from one of the ancient buildings through the large bubble window in front of Travis.  All of them are waiting quietly when a beeping comes from one of the cockpit panels.  Travis checks it.



Major Reed, it’s Enterprise.

            (beat, checking panel again)

They’re requesting communications; do we break silence?

Reed stands up and makes his way to just behind Travis.  He looks over Travis’s shoulder at the readout.  As he reads it, we can tell that it doesn’t look good.


We’ll have to risk it, and just hope that this atmosphere makes it hard for anyone to pinpoint us.

Travis nods and switches on the comm. panel.


Enterprise, Shuttlepod Two, come in please.

There is a great deal of static over the comm. as Hoshi replies.


Shuttlepod Two, this is Enterprise, you are ordered to return to the ship ASAP.


This is Major Reed, what happened to you, Enterprise?



Things have become a bit more…complicated.


We are under Andorian escort, and we need you to return to the ship right away.

Reed’s face is overcome with disappointment.



We’re on our way.  Shuttlepod Two out.

Travis turns off the comm. panel.  Reed places a hand on Travis’s shoulder.


Get a hold of the other two shuttlepods, and inform them of the situation.


Then get us out of here; we’re docking first.


Shuttlepod Two approaches Enterprise from the surface and lands in the launch bay at the rear of the ship.


T’Pol enters the small observation room adjacent to the much larger, two-story Hanger Deck, followed by Picard, Shran, an Andorian Senior Lieutenant, and two SFs, with Trip bringing up the rear.  They wait as the large garage-like door to the launch bay opens and watch as Shuttlepod 2 slowly hovers into the hanger deck.  It moves to its designated place just next to our group, coming to a rest on the deck as the antigravs are turned off.

The door on that side slowly opens, and Reed is the first to cautiously step out of the shuttlepod.  Reed holds his weapon to his chest, carefully pointed at the deck so as not to alarm any of the “guests”.  He stands in front of the open hatch, unconsciously protecting those inside as he looks over the Andorians and the others in this impromptu greeting party through the large window that separates them.  Noting the presence of several SFs, Reed steps to the side to allow Cole and the Sergeant to exit the shuttlepod, as he continues to assess the situation, never taking his eyes off of Shran, whom he has guessed is the leader of the strange blue aliens.

Reed’s intent gaze doesn’t go unnoticed by Shran, who returns it, even as the rest of the shuttlepod passengers finish assembling across the window from him.  Shran’s natural inclination is to be agitated, but he understands that the strange, pink-skinned alien is simply sizing him up and trying to learn as much about a potential enemy as he can.  He decides to forgive the alien for his rudeness, and his features soften, a little.

T’Pol notices the exchange between Reed and Shran, but does not mention it.  The fact that Captain Archer does not appear to be with Major Reed clearly concerns the Vulcan.


Major Reed, where is Captain Archer?

Reed breaks his gaze from Shran to look at T’Pol; his face betrays that there is something wrong before he speaks, despite his disciplined attempts to conceal anything from the Andorians.  T’Pol’s face hardens in anticipation of bad news, and behind her, we can see a stricken expression on Trip's face as he too realizes something has happened.


He’s not coming back.


There’s been an …incident.


Perhaps we should continue this discussion in the briefing room.


Meet us there following your clearance through decontamination.

T’Pol turns on her heel and exits the way they came, preceded by a visibly emotional Trip.  On Reed’s hesitation she stops and turns slightly back to face Reed and raises an eyebrow at him.  Needing no further encouragement, Reed walks through the door leading to the decontamination room, followed shortly thereafter by the rest of Shuttlepod Two’s former passengers.  A few nervous glances are exchanged with the Andorians as they pass in front of the window separating them.


T’Pol stands next to the large monitor, listening as Ensign Mayweather speaks.  Trip, Reed, Cole, Travis, Cutler, and the Science Officer sit at the table, the others having returned to their posts.  Picard and his two SFs flank their Andorian “guests” at the back of the room as Hoshi quietly translates the conversation into broken but clearly understandable Andorian; her words are, for the most part, part of the background noise.



…and the tunnel just came to an end.  We weren’t able to locate the energy source.

            (beat, more quietly)

…Or the Captain.

Most of the people in the room have their attention on the frustrated and saddened Ensign Mayweather, but Reed and T’Pol both notice Shran shift uncomfortably at the mention of the mysterious energy reading.  Fortunately, Shran’s discomfort seems to have kept him from noticing the very brief flash of recognition of that fact.



Were you able to retrieve any additional data on the weapons’ signature?

There is a SHORT BEAT as the UESPA personnel exchange nervous glances at each other, as though none of them really wants to answer.


We think we might have something, Sub-Commander, but none of us could really make heads or tails of it.

T’Pol cocks an eyebrow at the unusual expression.


May I see you findings?

Cutler holds her scanner out to T’Pol, who walks over and takes it from her hand.  The Vulcan woman studies the readout intently for a SHORT BEAT.  An expression of recognition comes over T’Pol’s features, and she holds the scanner out to Shran.



Though Shran doesn’t speak English, the word is still close enough for him to know its meaning.  He looks at T’Pol with a mix of disbelief and anger.  He crosses the short distance between them and abruptly takes the scanner from her hand.  The SFs tense up, unsure whether to take his abrupt movement as an act of aggression or not.  A quick glance from T’Pol lets them know that wasn’t the case.


            (in Andorian)

[Tellarites!  That can’t be.]

We look over Shran’s shoulder as he looks at the scanner, and though the words and numbers on the screen are meaningless to an Andorian, the wave diagram on it is all too familiar to him.  We change angles and watch as his tense expression softens with recognition.



[This does match the signature left by Tellarite beam weapons.]

            (beat, handing T’Pol the scanner)

[I’ve seen it too many times before.]

            (beat, somewhat smugly)

[I’ll admit that I suspected as much before we came across your ship; the Tellarites have been fighting us for years over this planet.]

Recognizing obfuscation when she hears it, T’Pol gives Shran a somewhat ambiguous look that only barely conceals her disbelief of him.  Major Reed, still focused on his job as security, notes the look and realizes that something is “up”.


What did he say, Ma’am?

T’Pol raises an eyebrow.


He said that he recognizes the weapons’ signature as Tellarite…


And that he suspected that the Tellarites were responsible for this attack until he detected the Enterprise.

Reed nods at the information, but otherwise remains unreadable.

Shran waits patiently for the exchange in this alien language to finish, then looks expectantly at T’Pol when Hoshi does not offer a translation, the young linguist instead taking several steps closer toward her crew.  When Shran begins to speak, she softly translates for them much in the same manner that she was translating for Shran.


[I trust you’ve told them that I agree with your assessment?]


            (in Vulcan)



[In fact, it was suggested that the Tellarites’ involvement with one of Earth’s nearby colonies might simply be a move to strategically position themselves near your outpost.]


[An interesting theory.]

            (beat, bitterly)

[I wouldn’t put it beneath the Tellarites to do something like that, especially if it made them money in the process.]


[The Earth colony is paying them for their services.]

Shran’s antennae flex forward as his expression sours, his eyes narrowing. 


[Then they could very well be poising themselves, waiting for an opening to move in on this system.]

            (beat, thinking)

[I’m convinced, but only just.  This theory of yours seems to fit the facts, so I’ll help you out with your pig problem, if only to push the Tellarites to a more comfortable distance.]

T’Pol inclines her head, and Shran returns the gesture.


[I’ll need to go back to my ship and explain the situation to my superiors.]


[We’ll need a few more ships to deal with them.]

Shran smirks ever so slightly, mischief glinting in his eyes.


[Very well.]


Lieutenant Cole, please escort our guests back to their ship.

Reed straightens up, almost to attention.  Cole looks between the two of them awkwardly and stands up.



Yes, Ma’am.

            (beat, to one of the SFs)

Take the lead.

The SF does as he is told, walking toward the door as Reed motions to the Andorians to follow him.  The other SF falls in behind them, and Cole brings up the rear.  T’Pol waits until the door has closed behind them, then turns her attention to the others.


Commander Tucker, Major Reed, I must speak with you.  The rest of you may return to your duties.

There is definite tension coming from Reed as the three of them wait for the room to clear.


Sub-Commander, I really should have seen the Andorians off the ship.


            (ignoring his comment)

Did it seem to you as though Commander Shran was concealing something from us?

Reed immediately understands.


He did appear to squirm a bit when Mayweather mentioned our little adventure in the caves.


I likewise noted his discomfort on the subject, particularly when the unknown energy reading was addressed.

            (beat, musing aloud)

I also suspect that he was being less than honest about suspecting Tellarite involvement.  It seemed as though he had not considered the possibility until then.



Look, does it really matter who he thought it was anymore?  He’s already agreed to help us with the Tellarites!


Normally I’d agree, Commander, but I can’t help but wonder if there are some other motives behind this.


It might have something to do with the Captain’s disappearance.


            (still agitated)

Can we at least agree that we should keep lookin’ for the Cap’n?

            (beat, barely keeping his composure)

It just ain’t right leavin’ his body down there, on some alien planet.


No, it’s not.


Sub-Commander, I’d like to attempt to recover his body while we wait for the Andorians to get ready.


Request denied.

Trip and Reed both cut her an angry look, but T’Pol isn’t the least bit fazed by it.


I require your expertise on the ship and there is insufficient time to conduct another futile search for Captain Archer’s remains.


Commander Tucker, repairs must be conducted as quickly as possible.  How soon can we get underway?



I need to shut down the warp drive and get some people up in the nacelles; that alone’ll take a good twelve hours.


Not to mention the sensors and the hull, and anything else those Andorians mucked up.


This is, of course, assuming that we should still carry out Captain Archer’s original plan.

Trip rolls his eyes, earning him a slight wince from Reed.


            (growing angry)

I knew this would be a problem with you in command.


Of course we should follow through with his plan, especially now that the Andorians have agreed to help.


I have to agree, Ma’am, I’m no diplomat, but I’m fairly sure the Andorians wouldn’t appreciate us getting cold feet after they’ve pledged their support.


If they’re anything at all like us, they’ll probably be insulted.


That is a valid concern, but as I am in command now, responsibility for this plan now falls to me, and the repercussions from your superiors as well as mine could be severe.


With respect, Sub-Commander, I'm not entirely sure about the legality of having you in command.


I was given legal authority by your government to act as an officer in your chain of command.  It was one of the conditions of my placement on this ship.



And how does that work exactly?


I mean, correct me if I’m wrong Major, but wouldn’t this be a little like, say an American officer bein’ put in command of a British warship back in the days before the last great war?

Reed gives Tucker a look, clearly revising his opinion of the engineer upward, and thinks about it for a BEAT.  T'Pol frowns, obviously not recognizing the analogy.



            (beat, off T’Pol’s confused look)

Look, Sub-Commander, no disrespect intended, but part of the problem with this exchange program is that it places you, a Vulcan officer, in a command position on an Earth starship.  You answer to different superiors than the rest of us, placing you in a position to make command decisions without repercussion from Earth authorities.


Even you have to acknowledge our ... concerns.


But I am in your chain of command; I answer to your superiors as well as mine.  Captain Archer knew this, which is why he did nothing to challenge my placement here.

Reed exchanges a look with Trip, but Trip is plainly angry about the situation.


Have you any paperwork to prove that?


We would have to contact your Space Probe Agency’s headquarters for confirmation, which is currently not an option.


Then I’m afraid that I cannot recognize your authority to command this ship.


Please relinquish command to Commander Tucker.

Trip perks up, but T’Pol gives both of them an icy glare.  It has no effect on them.


Sounds like a plan to me.


You are making a mistake, Major Reed.

            (beat, to Trip)

If we had carried out your orders, the entire crew would have been killed or captured by the Andorians, who would have shown no mercy.


We don’t leave our people behind.


You are allowing emotion to cloud your judgment and placing the lives of every crewmember on this ship in danger.



What are you talking about?  The Andorians already agreed to help us; all that’s at issue here is your unwillingness to carry out Captain Archer’s plan.


Am I correct in assuming that you would send another landing party to search for Captain Archer?


Why shouldn't we?  Just because my engineering teams will be busy with repairs doesn't mean Major Reed’s security people couldn’t go down and look around.


The Andorians have made it abundantly clear that no further teams are to be sent down to the planet.

            (beat, coolly)

If you distrust me, you need only recognize the position the Andorian ships occupy around us.  If you attempted send a team down, they would open fire.

Trip and Reed exchange glances.


So we wait until later and get it cleared with the Andorians.


That doesn’t change the fact that you’re thinkin’ about backin’ out of an agreement that they’ve already made with you.

            (beat, suddenly annoyed)

Why did you even bring up the cap’n’s plan to the Andorians if you had no intention of carrying it out?

T’Pol hesitates a moment, recognizing Trip’s point, but in the end deciding not to address it.


There would be no danger in canceling our agreement with Commander Shran.

Trip rolls his tongue inside his cheek, clearly not satisfied with that answer.


You never answered my question.

            (beat, cutting off T’Pol’s reply)

Look, the way I see it, you can’t have this both ways.  Now you said that you’re in our chain of command, correct?




Then you are bound by our chain of command to obey the cap’n’s orders and the instructions he received from the President.


So either you’re the first officer of this ship, or you’re a Vulcan officer; you can’t have it both ways.

T’Pol’s face tightens and she comes very close to scowling at Trip, but she recognizes his point and acquiesces after glaring at him for a BEAT.



You are correct, Commander.


I will carry out Captain Archer’s orders to the best of my ability.


But can we really let her remain in command even if she does that, Commander?


I’m still not sure I’m clear on how this is supposed to work if she’s a Vulcan officer.


The same way it would work with me in command, Major.


The second she took my job, she agreed to become a Vulcan officer in name only.  As far as anyone’s concerned, she’s a UESPA officer with a weird rank.

Trip glares at T’Pol as he says that last sentence and holds it for a moment to press his point home.  T’Pol’s features remain hardened, but she otherwise gives him no reaction.  Reed watches the exchange and can’t help but remain uncomfortable, but he has no choice but to go along with what Trip has decided.


If that’s you decision, Sir.


It is.  Now if the two of you’ll excuse me…

            (beat, standing)

…I have a lot of work to do in the next twelve hours.

Trip exits the room.  Reed looks at T’Pol with an unreadable expression for a moment, then exits as well.  T’Pol glares after them as we…



Continue to Act Two









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