With a hiss, the door of Archer's office slides open and the captain enters, still in his “dress uniform” - although he has loosened his unnecessarily tight collar somewhat.  In a glance, he takes in the office, noting the organized clutter and the mementos that are still in place.  Resting atop a small shelf is a water polo ball and a picture of the captain's parents - clearly from years ago - is on the desk beside the computer terminal.  A chunk of twisted metal also has a place of honor on the desk; as Archer seats himself behind the desk terminal, we can see that this metal is from a starship of some sort as there are letters emblazoned upon it.  Although the rest of the metal is scorched and burnt nearly beyond recognition, the letters themselves are easy to read:

XCV-330 SS Enterprise.

Archer slides his finger across the biometric scanner at the base of terminal and it springs to life; instantly, the repair schedule that Trip mentioned in the previous act appears on the screen and the captain studies it for a LONG BEAT.  Abruptly...


Bridge to Captain Archer.

In a gesture that appears almost second nature, the captain depresses the 'talk' button on the comm. panel integrated into his desk.


This is Archer.


Sir, I have Admiral Forrest standing by.

Archer straightens in his chair, readjusts his collar, then replies.


Put him through.

The repair schedule vanishes, replaced instantly by the face of ADMIRAL MAXWELL FORREST. 


Good -

            (beat, glancing at the chronometer on the wall)

-afternoon, Admiral.



            (off of Archer's uniform)

You were planetside?



Yes sir.


How'd it go?


            (shrugging slightly)

About as well as could be expected, sir.  They postured a little bit through the ambassador and I stated our stance.

            (discreet frown)

Ambassador Skon was ... not what I expected.

The admiral smiles at that.


I've heard that before.

            (beat, suddenly serious again)

I'm contacting you for two reasons.  First, the president has agreed to give diplomacy a go.



Sir?  I wasn't aware that diplomacy wasn't an option...


Vanderbilt's pissed, Jon.  He came damn close to ordering the military to conduct a planetary assault to retake the colony.

Archer is aghast at this.


Cooler heads prevailed though.

            (beat, musing)

Never thought I'd see the day where I was siding with Sutherland...

            (beat, back to business)

That said, I don't know how long the president's patience will last.  The media is already having a field day with this whole situation...


What are my orders, sir?


Sit tight and don't promise anything. 

            (beat, off of Archer's slightly disgruntled expression)

I know you've got the training to handle it, Jon, but the president wants this handled his way.



Yes sir.  And the other reason?

The admiral frowns then.


The supply ship has been diverted to General Bernard's task force.



Dammit, sir!  We need those supplies!


So do they, Jon, and their need was deemed higher than yours.

            (beat, slightly sarcastic)

Besides, didn't you tell me before that Tucker was a miracle worker?

Archer tamps down his anger.


Yes sir.

            (beat, with mostly hidden frustration)

Anything else, sir?

If the admiral notices Archer's annoyance, he says nothing about it.


I take it you're meeting with this Titus Cheet tomorrow?

            (beat, off of Archer's nod)

Then good luck, Jon.


Thank you, sir.

Forrest reaches forward, touching something that causes his transmission to end.  Instantly, the repair schedule Archer was looking at before once again dominates the monitor and he sighs before resuming work.  With that, we fade to...


A vaulted ceiling and magnificent works of art lend the diplomatic meeting hall an image of opulence at first glance but a closer look reveals that it is simply that: an illusion.  A flicker that travels the length of one of the paintings - an aged rendering of Voltaire - revealing the “painting” to be nothing more than a copy of the original, displayed upon a flat-screen wall monitor carefully concealed to appear to be a picture frame.

Seated at one end of a rectangular table that appears to be constructed of wood, Captain Archer is a picture of frustrated annoyance as he squirms in his dress uniform.  Directly to his left is Ensign Sato - also in a dress uniform - but her eyes are focused on the speaker, Governor Cheet, at the far end of the table.  With his back to the wall and sitting exactly equidistant between the two men, Ambassador Skon quietly listens to Cheet.


The United Earth charter is predicated on the principle of self-determination and that is all that we of Alpha Centauri want for ourselves!

Archer again shifts uncomfortably - he finds himself in the uncomfortable position of actually agreeing in part with some of Cheet's complaints.  Out of the corner of his eye, Archer can see Sub-Commander T'Pol - dressed in official robes quite similar to what Ambassador Skon is wearing - standing quietly near Major Reed and Lieutenant Cole; both of the UEM soldiers are in full combat regalia but appear to be acting in more of a ceremonial role than anything else.  A number of Vulcan soldiers, all in resplendent robes, stand quietly at various intervals throughout the hall.


            (warming to the subject)

We were the first of Earth's colonies to support federalization when the United Earth charter was signed-

An expression of disbelief momentarily crosses Archer's face as he listens to Cheet's revised history and he exchanges a quick glance with Hoshi.  The captain opens his mouth to interrupt but just as quickly closes it - he isn't the official representative, after all.


-but recent legislation has led us to this point.  Our local government has no power - all of their decisions must be ratified by the Earth Senate.

            (beat, frustrated)

The same Senate that can arbitrarily pass new laws concerning our government without even consulting us!

            (beat, hotly)

The same Senate that assigns us a governor who then appoints our representatives to that same Senate.

            (beat, flatly)

We're not a colony.  We're a subject.

We quickly pan around the room, briefly noting the various reactions to Cheet's words.  There is no visible reaction upon the faces of the Vulcans apart from the occasional eyebrow lift; similarly, Major Reed barely reacts beyond a slight shifting of his stance.  Lieutenant Cole, however, frowns as Captain Archer suddenly speaks up.


Mister Cheet-





Mister Cheet ...

            (beat, off the other man's frown)

I'm not disputing that you may have legitimate grievances with the United Earth Senate but an armed coup isn't the answer.



Really?  It worked for the American colonies when they threw off British tyranny in the 1700s!

At that, we can see Major Reed shoot a quick glare at the governor before resuming his stoic expression.  Disgust wars with annoyance on Archer's face for a moment and he struggles to maintain his diplomatic facade.


            (slightly disgusted)

You're comparing this ... insurrection to the American Revolution?


It's a good comparison.  Many of our complaints are virtually identical to the complaints that the Americans had of the British crown.  In many instances, the parallels are uncanny.


"No taxation without representation" was a rallying cry for the Americans and it is becoming our rallying cry as well. 

(beat, off Archer's growing frown)

A nineteenth-century Spanish philosopher named George Santayana said: "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" and it appears that the United Earth government has, in fact, done exactly that.

Archer flinches at hearing the same words that he used in an attempt to convince the Andorian and Tellarite leaders to consider peace and a flash of surprise plays across Ensign Sato's face as she glances at her commanding officer.  From his station at the doorway, Major Reed reacts as well.




            (beat, off Cole's confusion)

Long story.

T'Pol gives the major a sidelong glance, complete with inclined eyebrow, before returning her attention to the proceedings.  Instead of returning to the table, however, we remain focused on the three Enterprise crewmembers near the door.  The "discussions" taking place (which has turned into more of an outwardly polite argument) continue for a BEAT as Lieutenant Cole studies the table.  Finally...



Sir, why are we wasting time doing this?  Instead of talking, we should be arresting this sonuva-


            (softly but firm)


            (beat, upon her going quiet)

Ours is not to reason why.

            (beat, off her annoyed glance)

The captain has orders and so do we.  Don’t question them.

The lieutenant sighs - she obviously doesn't care much for that answer.  Another BEAT passes and …



Archer is pretty good at this...

            (beat, off Reed's glance)

This diplomacy crap, I mean.

Reed almost - almost - smiles at that.



Much better this time than with the pig-faced guy.


            (softly with another hint of steel)

Tellarites.  Don't call them "pig-faced guys".



Yes sir.


I thought Archer was a pilot...

Turning her head briefly toward them, T'Pol speaks, her voice pitched low enough to be heard only by them.



To reach the rank of captain in the United Earth Space Probe Agency, a candidate is required to be trained as a diplomat.


It is a policy based on a similar Vulcan requirement for command rank and was adopted shortly after your most recent ... encounter with the T'zenkethi.

Reed glowers briefly and is about to respond when there is a sudden commotion on the far side of the room.  A new Vulcan - this one dressed in simple ambassadorial robes instead of the ornate ones favored by Skon - enters through a door guarded by a pair of grim-looking Vulcan soldiers.  Without hesitation, the newcomer makes his way to Skon and leans down, whispering something into the ambassador’s ear.  At once, the argument between Archer and Cheet ends, with the captain of Enterprise giving Reed a questioning glance.

Finally, the ambassador nods to the newcomer and addresses the two “debaters”.


I have just been informed that the official United Earth representative has arrived.

            (beat, with a discreet frown to Archer)

In force.

The glare that Cheet directs at Archer is unmistakably hostile.


            (visibly angry)

Is that any surprise?  All tyrants resort to force when faced with a crisis!

Once again, it takes a visible effort for Archer to keep from responding in the manner that he'd prefer - from his expression, it would probably involve his fist - and he forces a smile that he obviously doesn't feel.


Ambassador, if I may make a suggestion...

The Vulcan seems to be on the same wavelength already as he rises from his seat.


Let us recess for a standard hour.


Following that hour, if the official representative for United Earth is willing, we shall reconvene here.

Cheet is already striding from the table and Archer glares at his retreating back for a moment before glancing at Hoshi.


How did I do?


Well, you managed to keep from beating that blowhard to death with your fists, sir, so I'd say pretty good.

They share a smile as Sub-Commander T'Pol and Major Reed approach; the major is frowning as he listens to comm. chatter in his headset.  In the background, we can see Ambassador Skon depart from the diplomatic chambers.



It doesn't go unnoticed that the captain addresses Reed instead of his First Officer for a status report but, beyond a flicker of some unidentifiable emotion in her eyes, T'Pol does not react.  Taking offense, after all, would be an emotional reaction.


It's General Bernard's strike group, sir.  They arrived in-system and have taken up a holding pattern about ten million kilometers from the planet.

            (beat, off information from his comm.)

We have two inbound transports.


Logic would dictate that these transports contain the official representatives.

Archer gives her a brief look in which we can see his annoyance before he starts heading toward the door.


Let's go say hello.


Emerging from the lobby, Archer and his crew pause at the assembled crowd that has gathered.  Cheet is there along with his militia, and Ambassador Skon stands serenely in front of several Vulcan soldiers.  All are looking to the sky and Archer turns his own eyes upward.

A military lander - squat and grim-looking - drops out of the clear blue, outer hull red hot from a hard re-entry.  Weapon ports can be seen upon the curiously-shaped craft and it is obvious that this lander was designed for a single purpose: war.

As the lander comes to a jarring stop upon the empty street that runs by the capitol building, a second vehicle appears in the sky overhead; sleek and agile-looking, this vehicle is quite obviously a support craft designed to protect the lander during a ground offensive.  The expression on Archer's face darkens as he realizes the message this sort of landing is intended to send and, as he glances at Cheet, he realizes that the “governor” understands it as well.

With a loud CLANG, the four bay doors on the lander deploy, falling forward onto the ground to create a ramp.  A platoon of soldiers, all in combat gear, march from the lander, surrounding an easily recognizable figure also wearing combat fatigues and battle harness: General Petrov.

A low and angry murmur begins making its way through the assembled crowd as the general and his troops approach.  People give way with sullen expressions on their face and one even spits on the ground before moving.  Hiding his own discontent, Archer approaches the general slowly, flanked by his own officers.


General, I'm Captain-



Archer.  I know.

            (beat, with a not so subtle frown directed toward T'Pol)

You are relieved, Captain.

Archer hesitates, glancing briefly at the silent soldiers that surround the general.



I was under the impression that an official diplomatic team would be arriving, General.

Petrov gives him a cold glare.


I am that team, Captain.  Dismissed.

Without another word, the general begins ascending the stairs.  He gives Cheet a contemptuous look before addressing Skon.



            (beat, off of the Vulcan's slight nod)

I'm here to represent United Earth and am more than ready to get started.

            (beat, with another contemptuous look toward Cheet)

There is much to do...

And with that, we follow him into the building.  A digital wall chronometer can be seen, displaying the local time as 13:07.  The numbers change and we transition to ...


A different wall chronometer displaying the local time of 20:19 hours.  Both Cheet and Petrov appear livid, with the general looking as if he is about to go over the table.  Even Ambassador Skon appears weary as he observes the two humans shouting at one another.

From a seat in the visitor's galley, Captain Archer has an unbelieving expression on his face as he stares quietly at the spectacle before him.  Major Reed sits to his right, Ensign Sato to his left and Lieutenant Cole just behind him.  Unsurprisingly, Sub-Commander T'Pol is several empty seats distant from the three.


-and that is our final offer!


That's no offer!  It's an insult!

Before reply can be made, Ambassador Skon rises and speaks loudly, his stern voice echoing off of the walls.



            (beat, off the humans’ sullen looks toward him)

It is late and both of you are tired.  I recommend that we recess and reconvene in the morning.

Petrov nods once and spins on his heel, not even looking back as he stomps from the chamber.  With a raised eyebrow, Skon watches him go and there is a flicker of disapproval on his otherwise unreadable features.  As he turns back to Cheet, the Alpha Centauri governor speaks, forgetting in his frustration that there are still people in the chamber “observing.”



That goddamned idiot is going to start a war.

            (beat, with an exasperated sigh)

Why is it that these Earthers won't even listen to our complaints?  Won't even try to understand our problems?

He turns away from the Vulcan, not expecting - and not receiving - an answer.  As he walks toward the exit nearest his seat, he appears like a man marching toward his execution: clearly, he sees war coming and doesn't know how to avoid it.

Focus on Jonathan Archer: He studies Cheet's posture with a dark frown and a worried glint in his eyes.  For a LONG BEAT, he sits quietly, thinking, deciding, planning.  Finally ...



Major Reed.

The major straightens slightly in his seat.


I want to look into Cheet's claims.

            (beat, off the major's widened eyes)

To see if things really are as bad as he says they are.


Yes sir.

            (beat, considering)

May I recommend we go in disguise, sir?

            (beat, off Archer's glance toward him)

I doubt the local populace is likely to talk about their troubles to the Enemy, sir.


Good idea.  I want you and Hoshi with me.  More than three would be conspicuous so Lieutenant Cole should return to Enterprise.



Archer frowns again as he glances toward the Vulcan; she had been so quiet that he'd forgotten about her presence.


Return to Enterprise and help Trip with the repairs, Sub-Commander.

If she dislikes her instructions, T'Pol betrays no hint of it.


Yes sir.


And tell Trip not to comm. me unless it's a warp core breach.

            (beat, with a frown)

Let's get to work...

Archer stands and we ...



Continue to Act Four









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