We open with a starfield.  In the near distance (relatively, anyway), we can see a dull white star.  As we FOCUS on this star, a starship enters the frame.  In a virtually identical approach as the Eagle made in the teaser, the EX-01 Enterprise slowly approaches.


Most of the central characters are present, with the notable exception of the ship's chief engineer, as they study the image of the Oort Cloud on the main viewer.  CAPTAIN ARCHER is in his command chair for once, but leans forward as if he were eager to spring into action.  Of the other officers present, only ENSIGN MAYWEATHER seems to share the captain's almost giddy joy at the image on the screen.



Boy, that is one pretty sight.

Archer gives the ensign's comment a smile.


Don't get too attached, Travis.  With those gravimetric distortions, we're not getting any closer than we have to.

            (to T'Pol)

Sub-Commander, what do you have for us?

SUB-COMMANDER T'POL is leaning toward her holographic imager as the captain speaks and light from the imager plays across her eyes.  She looks up and gives the captain a flat look.


Alpha Probe's readings are no different than our own sensor reports.  Beta Probe stopped sending a signal one minute ago.





She returns her attention to the imager without additional comment, prompting the captain to shoot her back a slightly annoyed look.  Almost at the same time, a beeping sounds from her console and she spends a BEAT examining the different data, ignorant of (or possibly ignoring) the curious looks from the bridge staff.  The captain frowns as she continues to work without comment.  Finally, he loses patience with waiting for her to finish her analysis.


            (slightly annoyed)


He stands as he speaks, almost as if he feels the need to address her from a position of strength.  It's a subtle reminder that these two are not friends.


Alpha Probe is no longer sending telemetry.  Prior to its failure, it detected a large gravimetric wave.

            (beat, off the data)

I have a visual of its last readings.


Let's see it.

In response, T'Pol inputs commands on her console and the viewscreen shifts to display a distorted image from within the Oort Cloud.  We can see a large asteroid moving quickly toward the image and, as the probe begins to maneuver around the incoming chunk of rock, we catch a glimpse of a warp nacelle.  In the seconds after we realize what we're seeing, the image abruptly dissolves into static.  ENSIGN HOSHI SATO is the first to speak.



Was that what I think it was?

She glances around at the surprised (except in T'Pol's case) expressions of the other bridge officers.  Archer looks at his Vulcan science officer, an unspoken command in his body language, but the sub-commander is already focused on her console.  On the main viewer, the image again changes to a grainy view of within the Oort Cloud.  Once more, we see a nacelle but this is from a different angle.  As we PAN AROUND, we can see that the entire bridge staff has stopped what they're doing and are staring at the screen.


These images are from the Beta Probe.


            (staring at the screen)

Can we get closer?


            (off her data)

At two thousand, five hundred kilometers, the gravimetric distortions are potentially lethal to Enterprise.




Travis, keep us at safe distance from them then.


Aye, sir.

Archer considers the image now frozen on the main viewer for a BEAT.



            (off her look)

Department heads to the briefing room in one hour.

Off her nod of acknowledgement, the captain gives T'Pol another look.


Get as much data as you can.

            (beat, off her raised eyebrow)

It looks like this mission just got more interesting.

As he turns away, we focus again on the image of the nacelles before we...



It's a packed house as the department heads are present.  Unsurprisingly, Captain Archer is at the head of the table with COMMANDER TUCKER seated to his immediate left.  An empty seat is between Tucker and LIEUTENANT GARLA.  There are a few new faces here as well, including a man of Oriental descent, LIEUTENANT KAMAGAWA, and man with a clear Middle Eastern look to his features, CHIEF PETTY OFFICER AL-TAGRIB.  Sub-Commander T'Pol is standing before the monitor at the far end of the room while a young-looking woman, PETTY OFFICER 1ST CLASS MARKHAM, is at her side and uploading files to the monitor.


The data streams from the two probes are incomplete, but we are able to offer certain theories at this time.

She gestures to the monitor which is now showing a bunch of data that we don't really understand.  As Archer observes with surprising interest, Tucker keeps glancing back and forth between the monitor and a PADD that he is making annotations on.


As you can see, the gravimetric distortions are off all known scales.  My theory-


            (interrupting, teasing)

All known scales?  Including Vulcan?

She gives him a flat look that, on anyone but a Vulcan, would be annoyance.



Yes, Commander.  That includes Vulcan scales of measurement.

The captain smirks with amusement at Trip's comment.


Is there any way that Enterprise could navigate this distortion field?


Based on our current data, I theorize that any attempt to enter this field will result in the destruction of Enterprise.

The assembled crew shift uneasily at that, exchanging glances and frowns.  Archer turns his attention to Ensign Sato.


Hoshi, I want you to send a message to Command about this.  Let's let them know what we've found.

The ensign shifts slightly and offers her commanding officer an apologetic expression.


The transmitters aren't working right, sir.  Ever since we arrived in-system, communications have been down.

The captain frowns at that and we get the feeling this is the first he's heard of it.  He glances in Tucker's direction.


Something wrong?



We're still working on it.  Everything is reading green; we're just not getting a signal out.


The gravimetric distortions affecting sensors are likely affecting the communication array as well.

As the captain digests this information with a frown, a crewman enters the room and quickly approaches Commander Tucker.  He is carrying a PADD that he gives to the engineer and the two have a quick, hushed conversation that attracts everyone's attention for a BEAT.  With a quick nod to the crewman, Tucker passes the PADD to T'Pol.


            (with a nod to the retreating crewman)

We just got the new probe readings in.

T'Pol gives the commander a look complete with raised eyebrow as she begins to input the new data into the main monitor; she makes no comment about the fact that she should have been the one receiving this data, not Tucker.  As a map of the distortion field appears on the viewer, Tucker continues.


There's a series of...currents for lack of a better word, that run through the field to the heart of this system.

            (beat, with a nod to the screen)

There's one current that goes straight to a large asteroid and right by our mystery ship.


I have already examined them.  Enterprise's mass is too great for them to be of any use.


            (smirking at her)

Which is why we use a shuttlepod instead.

            (off her eyebrow raise)

We can piggyback that current straight to our ghost ship.

            (with a frown)

It'll be trickier on the way back, but I think we can manage.

He nods to Lieutenant Kamagawa who immediately stands and approaches the main monitor.  T'Pol hesitates for a BEAT, then stands aside to allow the lieutenant to input his own data.  The monitor split-screens to display a diagram of a shuttlepod.


As Commander Tucker pointed out, the return trip will be a little...



As Kamagawa speaks, the schematic of the shuttlepod changes, highlighting the changes needed.


The pod’s life support will have to be removed to make space for the additional power requirements of the hull integrity grid.

A collective groan is heard from the conference room because the trip will now be made in EVA suits. Archer looks around the room and the unspoken "be quiet" in his body language is obeyed.

Archer studies the display for a BEAT before glancing at T'Pol; the Vulcan is wearing her usual stoic look with no indication about what she thinks.


            (to Tucker, amused)

When exactly did you and Lieutenant Kamagawa come up with this?

Tucker responds with a smirk of his own.


About twenty minutes ago.

            (beat, suddenly serious)

I think that's the Eagle, sir.

Everyone takes notice of that and give him surprised looks.  Even T'Pol raises an eyebrow at the name.


We're pretty close to where the Eagle was last heard from and...

            (with a glance toward T'Pol)'s only logical to assume that they got sucked into this thing.

The Vulcan frowns slightly but no one really notices, being too focused on the captain as he nods.



            (with a look that encompasses the rest of the staff)

This is a chance for us to remind the people of Earth that we are ready for this.  That this job is worth the time and effort and blood of those who came before.


The loss of the Eagle was one of the prime examples that the Vulcans used to slow our advance into space.  We were told that we were too hasty, too emotional, and too human to visit the stars.

T'Pol is once more a picture of stoic indifference as the captain speaks, but everyone is too focused on him as he warms to the subject to notice.


This is an opportunity for us to prove that the Eagle was not lost because of human ignorance.

            (beat, with a proud smile)

I will stake my life on that.


So will I, sir.

            (with a gesture that takes in the crew)

So will all of us.

UESPA and UEM personnel are nodding in agreement, the fire of excitement about just what this mission means burning brightly in their eyes.  To many of them, especially the older members of the crew, it seems that they are taking this as though the sacred honor of not just past generations is at stake, but of future ones as well.



The Vulcan's comment seems to only stoke the fire a little bit more and Archer gives her an openly annoyed look that she ignores.


Commander Tucker's...

            (with a hint of distaste)

...plan is flawed and unnecessarily hazardous.  He has utilized questionable decision-making processes in-


            (heating up)



-arriving at the theories that he did.


Look, just because you didn't think of it-


This is not a river, Commander.


-first doesn't mean - I know it's not a damned river!


Labeling the gravimetric streams "currents" is attempting to put the unfamiliar in a context you are familiar with.

            (off Tucker's glare)

We have no data supporting your theory that a shuttlepod can retrace its path or if its engines are capable of providing sufficient thrust.

Now several of the crew are giving her dark looks, apparently interpreting her comments on an attack against the capability of their equipment.


So, we should just sit here on our asses and do nothing?

The Vulcan pins the engineer with a cold look.



This is why Vulcan believes humanity is ill-prepared for space exploration.  You are unwilling to study a situation before taking action.

            (beat, snidely)

It is no wonder that so many humans have died.

The intensity of her comments and the sharpness of her tone cause Tucker to draw back in slight surprise.  It isn't that she is emotional as she speaks - far from it - but the harsh logic of her comments do have an impact on a number of the personnel present.

Archer, however, appears to dismiss her comments out of hand.  He is wearing an annoyed expression on his face, as if he's heard this argument many, many times before.  Her logic falls on deaf ears.


Sub-Commander T'Pol, how many Vulcan vessels have been lost in the past decade?



The captain gives her a smug look, as if he's just won the argument, and begins issuing orders.


Trip, the shuttle bay team is to start modifications of Shuttlepods Two and Three using your specs.

            (to Mayweather)

Travis, I want you to start training on the simulators as soon as Commander Tucker gives you the new modification parameters.

            (to Markham)

Petty Officer, I want you and T'Pol to use the sensor array to map out the safest route to the Eagle and back to Enterprise.

The sub-commander visibly stiffens at his comments to Markham although there is no change in her expression. 


             (to Sato)

Hoshi, I want you to keep trying to send a message out.  Coordinate with Trip about finding a way through the interference.

He stands which everyone takes as an unspoken instruction to stand themselves.


I know how dangerous this mission is, and that if we fail-

            (with a half glance toward T'Pol)

We'll have twice as many Vulcan you-are-not-ready-in-space speeches than before.

            (beat, confident)

When we do succeed, however, we'll have one more thing to point to that proves that they.  Are.  Wrong.

            (beat, off of several nods and smiles)

I want full mission briefings on my desk by 1300.  Dismissed.

Everyone heads toward the door, except for MAJOR REED. With a frown, the major approaches the captain, although he is forced to weave his way through the stream of departing officers and NCOs.  Archer notes his approach even as we see Sub-Commander T'Pol disappear through the doorway, her features frozen in mask of stoicism.


Something on your mind, Major?


Security, sir.

            (off of Archer's sigh)

You failed to mention a security contingent.


It's a fifty-year old derelict in the middle of nowhere.  How is that a security risk?


No disrespect intended, sir, but going aboard a derelict fifty-year old starship without any knowledge why it is a derelict is something of a...


Security risk.

Archer smiles at that, acknowledging the tactical officer's point with a nod.


You do have a point there.

The captain pauses a BEAT, when he sees the look of non-amusement on Major Reed's face.


I want you to prepare a security plan for three security crewmembers.  Have it submitted to me by 1300. Dismissed.

The major does a perfect about-face and walks out of the conference room, leaving Archer alone.  Off his expression, we...



We enter through the door with Commander Tucker.  The warp core hums gently as he enters, although he pauses and gives it a mildly confused look before shaking his head and continuing toward the area that acts as his office.  He's barely taken three steps when LIEUTENANT KELBY approaches him, holding a clipboard in one hand and a PADD in the other.



Tucker takes the offered PADD and immediately begins looking at it.


I was running the diagnostic when I noticed it.



That can't be right.

            (beat, to Kelby)

Have you double-checked this?


Yes, sir.

            (with a worried look)

Something's draining our power!

And, off of Tucker's look, we...



Continue to Act Two









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