Enterprise orbits the unknown world; we ZOOM in to the hanger area of the ship and see a small section of the alien ship being pulled in by grappling cables. The section appears to be the cockpit of the vessel, most likely having been jettisoned from the main body.


Captain Archer doesn’t look happy as he walks hurriedly through the winding corridor. His pace gives a sense of urgency as does his expression. We PAN around to his back as he approaches the sickbay door.


We’re focused on the door as it opens up to allow Archer in to sickbay. We can hear the flurry of activity as nurses and medics rush to the aid of the alien crew occupying the biobeds. Archer keeps his distance near the door and watches DOCTORS PHLOX and LUCAS as they work to save the alien lives.


He’s not stabilizing!  I need five CCs of metrazine now!

A nurse comes in to view and quickly hands him the loaded hypospray, which Phlox applies to the patient in front of him. He looks up at the readout above the bed and sees no change in the patient’s status.


You can’t stabilize him, move on!

            (beat, urgent)

I need help here, move on!

Phlox ignores the other doctor’s demands and continues to focus on his dying patient. He grabs another hypospray already prepared on a nearby tray; he checks it to make sure it’s what he wants before injecting the patient with it. Whatever he was expecting it to do…it has the opposite affect. His vitals drop steadily as a loud continuous beep emanates from the readout.



The room is dark with a bright spot light centered on a large oval desk in front of a wall-sized black screen. An alien, of the same race as that aboard the space craft, sits behind the desk with a look of seriousness on his face. We soon realize that this is a news studio as an odd camera-like device moves into view.

The view changes to one as if we were watching the program on an alien viewscreen. Words now scroll across the bottom in the same language as before, and images flash on the black screen behind the news anchor.


[Breaking news coming in from the Department of Space in regards to the failed FTL flight test just minutes ago.]

The image behind the man changes to a blurry shot of some sort of ship. As we examine the image closer we realize that it is of the Enterprise orbiting the planet.


[After monitoring stations witnessed an explosion in high orbit over the planet, it was believed that a reactor failure had caused the destruction of the test flight.]


[New photographic evidence now suggests that there may have been more…unbelievable circumstances involved. With us now we have the director of the flight to discuss what this unknown object may be…and how it may have caused the failure of this historic mission.]

Again the image changes, this time to a woman sitting in front of a large blue curtain with some type of symbol behind her, possibly denoting the Department of Space mentioned by the Anchor. He turns in his chair to face the woman as our view on the screen pans to bring them both in to view.


[Thank you, Madame Director, for joining us.]


[Despite the circumstances…it’s a pleasure to be on your show.]



[Madame Director, there is rumor already going around in government circles that this severely blurred image could be our first glimpse at an actual alien object, perhaps even a ship, orbiting our planet. What does your department have to say in regards to these rumors?]

The Director doesn’t look comfortable with the question, as if she doesn't want to answer it for fear of what might result.



[We aren’t quite ready to make any definite statements in regard to that, but…the possibility is there.]


[The possibility?]



[Yes, we can’t say for sure what it is. However, we believe it to be…what you suggest.]

Her response seems to be what the anchor was looking for.


[If it does turn out to be alien in origin, what does this mean for our planet?]


[That is certainly not a question I can answer. My personal belief on the matter is that our world could have achieved one of its greatest goals without even having to leave our system!]

The anchor’s attitude changes to a sour one at this statement, indicating that it may not have been the “ratings booster” he was looking for.


[A debatable assumption that only time will bear out, Madame Director.]


[Unfortunately, we must cut to a break at this time. Thank you for joining us, Madame Director; we will hopefully be speaking with you more as the story develops.]

The Director nods and the image winks off and changes back to that of the Enterprise in orbit.


[Stay tuned after the break as we continue to cover this story…have we encountered aliens?  If so, are they responsible for the destruction of our first FTL test craft?  What do they want?  All of this after the break!]



Archer is still standing in sickbay near the door. He’s signing a clipboard handed to him by a crewman, an indication that he has been there for some time. The crewman takes the clipboard back and leaves sickbay as Phlox walks up to Archer. The weary doctor removes bloodied gloves and hands them to a nurse. His expression is sullen as he delivers the news to Archer.


Doctor Lucas and I have managed to stabilize four of the patients…we weren’t able to save the fifth.

            (beat, frowning)

I don’t know how long we can keep them like this, Captain; I recommend we find a way to get them to a suitable medical facility.

Archer doesn’t take the news well and briefly turns away from the doctor in frustration.


I wish it were that simple, Phlox.

            (beat, defensive)

We don’t even know these people, and as much as I hate to say it, we can’t just show up on their doorstep.


It’s my job as a doctor to tell you what needs to be done to save them. Beyond that I can’t tell you what to do.


However, Captain, from my experience…anyone capable of building what they were in is probably already aware of our presence.

Archer gives a small smile at the doctor’s observation, Phlox returns it if only for a brief moment. Apparently, even he can’t maintain his optimism in a situation like this.


Thank you, Doctor.


I’ll see what I can do.

He pats the Denobulan on the shoulder before turning to leave sickbay. As the doors open Ensign Sato steps in, stopping just before colliding with Archer.


Reporting as ordered, Captain.

Archer stops to consider the young officer who nearly ran in to him.


Good timing, Ensign.  Phlox has managed to stabilize our guests.

            (beat, indicating biobeds)

Talk to him about reviving one of them and then see what you can find out. I’ll be in my office if you make any progress.

She nods and steps to his side, off to talk with Phlox and figure out this new mystery. Archer pauses in the doorway a moment, looking back at the aliens lying on the beds before heading out. When he leaves, we turn our attention to Sato who quietly approaches Phlox.



He turns to face the bright officer and manages a smile.


Ensign…I assume you’re here to “speak” with our guests.

She glances over his shoulder at the unconscious aliens.


I'm here to try.

            (beat, hesitant)

If that’s okay.


I’m not entirely comfortable with reviving one of them so soon, but I see no other alternative.

Sato looks at the unconscious bodies again and becomes nervous at the prospect of possibly making matters worse.


            (off Sato’s expression)

Don’t worry, Ensign. If I had any concern they might not survive reviving, I wouldn’t attempt it.


You can’t know for sure.

Sato’s concern brings Phlox out of the dreariness that had over taken him. His usual attitude managing to break through to the surface.


            (grinning widely)

Optimism, Ensign!


We see Captain Archer enter the Mess Hall, looking hungry, if preoccupied. He approaches the window separating the dining area and kitchen. When he stops in front of it, the window opens to reveal the always jovial senior chef MARCUS LAFAYETTE. He’s holding a large pot and is stirring the contents within it as he greets Archer.


I thought I heard a hungry captain come wandering through my doors.


I got a good lunch cooking today.

Archer sniffs the air, taking in the mingling aromas of ingredients coming from the kitchen beyond.


What’s in the pot?


Tomato soup!


Doesn’t sound too…exotic.

Lafayette laughs at the doubt in Archer’s voice.


Now don’t go criticizing until you’ve tried it.

He puts the pot down and grabs a bowl out of view, pouring a ladle full of soup into the bowl he hands it over to Archer. The captain eyes the rich red liquid before looking back at the chef.


Thanks, Midas.


Anytime, Captain.

Archer turns to head for his private dining area, before Marcus calls out to him, stopping him in his tracks.


Hold it there…something must be up.


You never eat in there alone.


            (with a slight smile)

Can’t get much past you.  I might need to ship you off somewhere or you’ll be letting everyone know how to spot my weaknesses.

Lafayette puts the pot down again and looks over his shoulder at someone out of view.


I’m taking a quick break.  Try not to overcook anything while I’m gone!

He closes the window and immediately appears through the door next to it before pointing to an empty table away from the majority of the lunch-time crowd. The two men walk to that table and take a seat. Before Marcus starts up with questions, he points to the soup, a clear indication that he wants the captain to take a taste. Archer reluctantly picks up the spoon and dips it into the soup, then quickly brings it to his mouth and downs the hot liquid.


Okay. I shouldn’t have doubted you.


You’re right: you shouldn’t have.


Now what’s eatin’ at you? Must be pretty bad if you haven’t even talked with Commander Tucker about it.



I have a mess on my hands, Midas, and I have a feeling that it’s only going to get worse.


I imagine it has something to do with these aliens we rescued.

Archer takes another spoonful of soup.



It does. I don’t know what to do about them.  We can’t leave them in sickbay to die…but I can’t just go down to that planet and hand them over.


Why not?

Archer looks at the man as if he’s gone mad.


What do you mean “why not”?


I can’t contaminate a culture without even knowing what they call themselves.

Lafayette grins as he prepares his next statement.


You sound like a Vulcan, Jon.

            (beat, off Archer’s incredulous look)

The way I see it, they’ve already been contaminated…so there’s no sense in letting them die because you’re afraid of what might happen. Besides, who better to make first contact with them?

            (beat, teasing)

Or are you gonna leave it up to the Vulcans to clean up after those Boomers?

The chef looks Archer straight in the eyes, digging deep into his soul. His eyes flash as he comes to a realization that he was wrong in his judgment of Archer’s mood.


No…that’s not right.  Something else is getting to you isn’t it?


You already know that it’s too late to worry about “contamination” so what is it really, Jon?

Archer looks up from his soup and stares down the chef for a BEAT.  The captain puts the spoon down as he breaks eye contact and looks down at the bowl for another silent BEAT.  He pushes away from the table and stands.


Thanks for the soup.

            (beat, reluctantly)

And the talk.

Archer walks out of the mess hall, leaving Marcus there to pick up the bowl and get back to work feeding the hungry crew.



Archer is behind his desk looking through the small viewport, gazing at the planet below as it slowly turns, taking one land mass out of view and bringing another in. The door to his office opens, admitting COMMANDER TUCKER and Sub-Commander T’Pol into the room. We PAN to see them standing in front of the door until Archer gestures for them to sit.


I’ve asked you here to discuss the situation with the aliens we have aboard.


Since the system was already under Protected status, a Vulcan science vessel should be positioned in a nearby system.


It is standard procedure for all known developing worlds to be placed under observation in order to prevent tampering from outside sources.


I recommend that we attempt to conta-



We’re going down there.

T’Pol stops mid-sentence and sits in silence, showing no emotion as usual even though she has once again been given the cold shoulder by Archer. Tucker, on the other hand, moves to the edge of his seat, visibly eager.


How soon are we going?


We aren’t.  I want the two of you to stay on Enterprise and find those Boomers.


Hoshi made some progress with the translation and managed to get a likely landing site from one of our guests, so she’ll be going with me, along with the SF’s that I’m sure Major Reed will insist on. 

The engineer leans back in the chair, not happy with his orders.


            (off Tucker’s expression)

Sorry, Trip, but we have to fix this mess before it becomes worse, and we still have to find that ship.

            (beat, reluctant)

Sub-Commander, you’ll be in command while I’m planetside.



I believe it would be wise to await the arrival of a Vulcan ship to properly handle this, Captain.



We don’t have that kind of time…we don’t even know if they’re out there!

            (beat, softer)

We can’t always rely on the Vulcans to pull our asses out of the fire. We’ll eventually have to learn how to do this on our own.


Captain, I cannot support this course of action.

He glares at her from across his desk, meeting her eye to eye, taking on her cold Vulcan exterior.


Fortunately you don’t have to support it. You’re staying here…

Silence falls on the room as he waits for either of them to say something. When no reply comes, he stands from behind the desk, which both of them take as an unspoken cue to stand themselves.


Okay then, you’re dismissed.

As the two of them leave the room, Archer turns back to the viewport. We ZOOM IN on the port until it’s gone and we see nothing but the planet below. With this we…



Continue to Act Two









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