"One Small Step..." - Part II
Story By
Erik Gustav Hanska, Jimi James, and PG15
Screenplay By
Erik Gustav Hanska, Rigil Kent, and Alex Z.
Star Trek and related names are registered
Trademarks of Paramount Pictures, Inc.
This original work of fiction is
Written solely for nonprofit purposes.
Copyright 2006 by Foundations Group
Some Rights Reserved
Act One
Act Two
Act Three
Act Four
Act Five
Note: While I did a little tweaking on the miniseries prior to launching the new website, I didn't change any of the names, mostly because it would've been a pain in my backside. So, for your reference as you read this, I'll tell you who the initially unnamed characters in the miniseries ended up being after a fan contest to name them.
Navigator = Junior Lieutenant Henrik Carlgren
Operations Manager = Lieutenant Tsien Li Ming
Science Officer = Lieutenant Rakee Garla
Female Helmsman = Ensign Chatham
I'm afraid that the rest remain unnamed for now.