We open with a shot of the Enterprise and Kumari, still connected. We PUSH IN closer to the Enterprise towards one of the larger view ports. We continue to move forward as we move through the glass into …


Time has passed since the arrival of Shran and his initial suspicion of Archer. The food has been served and more drinks poured as the commander rattles on, completely ignoring the food before him. Archer, on the other hand, cuts into a steak, listening intently to T’Pol’s translation of the Andorian’s words.


[They caught us by complete surprise.]

            (beat, disgusted)

[They used a distress signal to lure my ship in…and then they pounced. Three ships dropped out of warp and opened fire, our warp engines were disabled immediately.]

            (beat, proud)

[Kumari was able to hold her own and hand them their tail, despite the odds.]

A BEAT passes as Archer swallows a bite.


How long has this been going on?




[Three months…I think.]


[Regardless of how long it has been, it’s a sad day when an Andorian turns on his people and his ways.]



Why have they rebelled against your government? There must be a reason that they're carrying out these attacks.

Shran’s antennae attempt to curl but are incapable of doing so under the slight intoxication. Instead, one curls slightly inwards while the other moves around like a drunken worm before finally managing to do the same as its twin.


[They have been overtaken by their greed! That is why they defy the old ways!]

Both Archer and T’Pol have stopped eating as they listen to the Andorian’s explanation. Until now they have only been told bits of information and have yet to get the full picture.


[The bastards are no longer satisfied with the system; they don’t see the need to maintain the old ways when we have so many new resources. They say the government is holding the people back by maintaining our traditions.]

            (beat, laughing)

[Insanity! We as a race would crumble to nothing if we…]

He trails off as if he lost his train of thought. Shaking off the lapse he takes another drink as Archer looks on in curiosity.


They’re not happy with your way of doing things?


Sounds similar to the way things used to be on Earth. People weren’t happy with communism because they lived in poverty, and those who claimed to be helping them were only hurting them. Much like what I witnessed today with the handling of injuries among your crew.

T’Pol almost shows a flicker of emotion at the statement.


Captain…I advise against making such statements.




If you’re going to translate…then do it. If not I’ll just use the translator. Either way he’s going to hear it, understood?



            (in Vulcan)

[The captain voices his concern over the treatment of your crew’s injuries.  He believes that if this is common practice, it may be why some Andorians have chosen to rebel against the government.]


[He says that such treatment by similar governments on Earth led to similar revolts in the past.]


            (indignant, slurring)

[Do you think I would let my crew board your ship to be treated without first going myself!? I’m not sure how you do things, pink skin, but I do not send my crew into a possible slaughter without leading the way!]

            (beat, disjointed)

[I protect my people! Perhaps it doesn’t work that way on your world, but if a government fails under a system that cares for its people…then it never cared. It failed because of greed and power, much like these rebels who will also fail once I find them.]


I didn't-

Shran doesn’t give him time to finish, instead he continues on his rant. Obviously letting out something that has been building inside of him. As he speaks he slowly seems to regain clarity with his thoughts.


[Our people have been cared for! They have been provided for! Never have they been hungry, homeless on the street dying because they couldn’t provide for themselves. Can you say the same of your people, Captain?]

Archer is taken aback by the outburst, even with it being delivered in T’Pol’s emotionless and unbiased tone.


I can’t.  At one point not everyone on my world was…fortunate enough to have what they needed.

            (beat, defensive)

Not anymore.  Things have changed.


[Sometimes they need to change, but not now…not on Andoria.]



It’s obvious not everyone feels that way, Commander. Maybe your government should find out why, and find a way to resolve it peacefully.


[That is easier to say than it is to do. We believe it is much easier to crush them beneath our boots than to try and reason with such…insanity.]

T’Pol raises her eyebrow at such an illogical and barbaric way of thinking, while Archer turns his attention back to the food in front of him. Shran watches T’Pol, a glimmer in his eyes.


[Do I make you uncomfortable, Vulcan?]


            (in Vulcan)

[I find your government’s solution to the problem…illogical.]


[If the rebels believe your government to no longer be useful and now only harmful to its people…does it not prove them correct for your government to condemn their beliefs and hunt them down?]

Shran shrugs the comment off. Archer, on the other hand, gives the two an awkward look. He doesn’t appear entirely comfortable with being left out of the loop. He appears to be on the verge of saying something about it before Shran continues.


[They initiated the attacks.  Are we wrong to defend ourselves and our ways?]


            (in Vulcan)

[Based on the history of your government, the rebels likely felt there was no other way. This is not a justification for their actions. Extending a hand of diplomacy, however, is the most logical course of action in an attempt to end the violence.]







The Enterprise engineering team has managed to make it into the auxiliary reactor room. They are joined by two Andorian guards, each holding rifles as they stand near the door. To the far left we see Trip bent over a conduit of some kind, using a plasma torch to cut it away as the others go about their own jobs under the watchful eye of the guards. We PUSH IN and focus on Trip as he now takes up our entire view. An arm comes into view and taps him on the shoulder. Deactivating the torch he turns to see Hoshi, Reed, and Talas standing behind him. The Andorian major silently watches the other engineers, a look of smug disapproval on her face.


How can I help you?

            (beat, indicating conduit)

I’m a bit busy.

Talas focuses her attention on Tucker.


[I am here to check on your status, and inform you that a few of our engineers will be joining you shortly.]

Hoshi translates the news.


Good.  We just now managed to get to the reactor. Doesn’t look much different from our systems, but it will help to have your people on this.



[Are you incapable of finishing the job?]



I didn’t say that.


I only mean it will go faster to have your own people working on this with us. Didn’t say we couldn’t do it on our own.

We PULL BACK to bring the entrance into view as another Andorian enters the room. He quickly approaches Talas and whispers into her ear. Upon delivering his news he steps back and stands at ease with his arms behind his back.


            (coolly, addressing Trip)

[Three unidentified ships are approaching the system…they will arrive in two hours.]


[Will you be finished by then?]



Not even close, I need at least four to get this back up and running.

            (beat, elaborating)

Even with the reactor powered up, you won’t have enough power to make it to warp.


[We don’t intend to run. We intend to fight.]

Trip is shocked at the statement. It is obvious from the state of the room they are in and the appearance of the rest of the ship that it cannot stand up in a fight.


You intend to fight! This ship is barely holding together as it is! She won’t last long in a battle!

Talas gives Trip a cold stare.


[If you are not going to work then go back to your ship and run.]

She has hit a chord in Trip who isn’t taking kindly to her words.


Oh I’ll fix your ship, I’m just telling you how it is.


But you’re right.  Don’t expect me to stick around just to see this thing go up in a ball of flame.



[I wouldn’t expect such incompetent cowards to stay.]

Trip jerks forward, stopping a few feet away from Talas. His face is mere inches away from hers, his eyes coming up only to her nose. The Andorian guards react by immediately pointing their rifles at the commander as he begins to speak slowly. Reed quickly draws his pistol and aims it steadily at the nearest Andorian guard. Ignoring the tense stand off around him Trip continues to speak. Behind them, we can see Lieutenant Cole discreetly draw her own weapon - no one seems to notice this.



You want the job done, than get out of my damned way! Your complaints aren’t making this go any faster!


            (in Andorian, nervous)

[Commander Tucker says that your complaints aren’t making this go faster, and he ... asks you to…get out of his way.]


            (to Hoshi)

[I understood his intent…]

            (beat, impressed)

[I will…get out of his way. Remind him that he has two hours.]

With that she turns and walks off to talk with the guards, who have now lowered their weapons along with Reed. Trip watches her for a BEAT before turning back to his own work, an annoyed expression on his face. Hoshi and Reed stand beside him as he prepares to start cutting again.


Was there something else, Mal?


Not a thing, Commander.

            (beat, grinning)

Other than watch your back.

The major walks away, but Hoshi remains. We watch Reed walk around until he finds Lieutenant Cole, who is trying to work on a small power relay. Once the major is out of earshot, Hoshi leans in closer to Trip.



Is everything okay, Commander?

Trip is knelt down in front of the conduit, and looks over his shoulder at the ensign.


Things are just peachy, Hoshi.

She manages a small smile.


You don’t seem to be getting along with the Andorians.



That’s an understatement.

            (beat, raising voice for them to hear)

It’d be easier if they weren’t breathing down my neck!

We can tell that the Commander is frustrated with the paranoid and superior attitudes of the Andorians.


Well…it is their ship, sir.


Would you want someone you didn’t know messing with the Enterprise’s systems?

Tucker thinks about it for a BEAT, but he doesn't look like he wants to agree with Sato.


[Ensign] Sato.


Sounds like your cue, Ensign.

Hoshi sighs and walks away, leaving Trip to work on the conduit by himself.

We move to a perspective from Talas’ position. We watch, as she does, Reed speaking with Cole. A shadow of disappointment falls on Talas’ face as she watches what appears to her to be Reed speaking with a lowly engineer. Unknown to her Cole is one of Reed’s security personnel. Hoshi walks up beside her, taking Talas’ attention off the Major.



We’re focused on the turbolift doors as they open to reveal Captain Archer, T’Pol, and Shran. The Andorian doesn’t look happy as he exits the lift. Archer and T’Pol immediately go to their positions while Shran hangs back around the lift. He looks around the bridge apprehensively at all of the “aliens”, not having been aboard the Enterprise since the events in the Miniseries.



A BEAT as T’Pol looks over her readings.


Confirmed.  Three vessels are approaching at sub-light speeds.


They will arrive in two hours and twenty minutes.



Why sub-light?


It is unwise to navigate a star system at warp speeds. Even UESPA follows such safety procedures, Captain.

            (beat, wryly)

Except in extreme circumstances.


I’m aware of that, Sub-Commander, but if you want to sneak up on someone, you don’t do it to where they can see you coming.

Shran cautiously steps closer to the Captain’s chair, we can see that he is holding a translation matrix in his hand.



[They’re doing it as a warning…to give us time to surrender.]

            (beat, aggressive)

[Unfortunate for them.]


What does that mean, Commander?


[It means that I intend to show them the error of their ways, Captain.]

Archer swivels his chair to face the Andorian.


I don’t think the Kumari is in any position to pose a threat to those ships, and the Enterprise certainly can’t. We are only a ship of exploration, not of war.



[Then you propose we surrender!]

He hisses the last word as if it is a vile curse uttered at an enemy. Archer frowns as he considers his options.


If it comes to that, yes. But, we aren’t out of options yet.

            (beat, thinking)

Are there any Andorian vessels nearby?


[There is a task force less than five light years out, but we have no way of contacting them. The Kumari’s transceiver array was destroyed in the attack.]


Can you send it from Enterprise?

Shran glares at Archer as his antennae curl in suspicion.


[To keep them from detecting it I would need to use…classified methods. Do you think I would entrust such methods to you, pink skin?]

Archer sighs heavily at the repetitive theme of distrust with the Andorian commander.


Either you send a message, or we wait here to be destroyed.

            (beat, sarcastic)

Your choice.

A BEAT as Shran considers the situation. He glances at the viewscreen, its empty star field gives a false sense of hope. We can see that he realizes that his options are limited as his antennae curl in defeat.


[Once again…it seems I have no choice.]

            (beat, defeated)

[Show me your communication system.]

Archer stands and extends his hand in the direction of the Communications station. Shran quickly walks to the station and sits down. He stares confused at the controls as he slowly enters in words into the translation matrix by hand to find the buttons he needs. It is a painstakingly slow process that he must go through. While everyone waits, Archer, still standing, stares impatiently at the view screen. With this we…



Continue to Act Four









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